Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Yes, we are alive and doing well! We are finally getting situated into our house and boy do we just LOVE it! I'm making head way and getting things put into place and finding a home for everything and decluttering things too! (So far DI, I'm bring 3 bags of stuff to you) Dane is adjusting very well...I think he knows this is home. He has been eating more solid foods and is LOVING it. So far his favorites are sweet potatoes, squash, carrots and pears. Gags on peaches, will do okay with applesauce and apple, strawberry mix. Such a fun boy and so glad we have him to keep me company during the day! Our ward seems very nice, we have great neighbors and boy are we ready for the weather to get nice!!


Amber said...

Yeah- I'm finally getting caught up on blogging and reading others blogs. I'm so glad things are going well and you are getting settled. Dane is growing too fast!

Kabe 'n Dave said...

I remember how good it felt when we moved into our house, too! It's a relief to have some permanence AND to declutter :). Dane is soooo cute! He's getting so big, I love it!